SBT Settings
SBT Setting objects are made up of three parts: Scope, name, and value. They are represented in the SBT api code as SettingKey traits. Settings are typed generically, and written as SettingKey[T]. The SettingKey trait type, T, defines the type of the SettingKey. For example, if the Setting is a String, the type of the SettingKey representing the Setting is String, and the object is written as SettingKey[String]. In practice, you won't see a SettingKey[String], but the example is there for you to realize that when you look at a SettingKey[T], the SettingKey is always typed to type T, where T is some trait, object, or class name, like String.
SBT Scopes
Scopes are objects containing the names and values of keys within a scope, or section, of the project. They give a setting a context to live in. This allows you to have different settings for your test build than in your src build; a subproject within your build than in your main project of your build; or in the compile task than in the documentation task of your build. Scopes are defined by their ScopeAxis. There are three types of ScopeAxis: typed by Project, typed by Task, and typed by Configuration. The built-in configurations are a subset of those provided by Maven Dependency Scopes: Compile, Run, Package, Document, and Test. Project ScopeAxes refer to the current project. Task ScopeAxes refer to a Task. There is also a Global ScopeAxes, which sets the setting for all axes.
SBT Keys
The name and value of a setting are stored in scopes in a value trait called AttributeKey. The attribute key is typed to contain the type of value stored in the value part of the setting, and defined as AttributeKey[T]. So if a Setting has a string value, the AttributeKey type, T, is String and it is written as AttributeKey[String]. The name part of the Setting is the AttributeKey[T].label member of the AttributeKey[T] trait. The value is only available after evaluating the key within the given scope, and is returned by the AttributeKey[T].evaluate method.
Defining Settings
SBT Settings can be defined in a .sbt build definition file, a *.scala source file under the SBT project directory, or in the sbt users' home .sbt definition file, which defines global default settings for all projects built by sbt by a given user. To explicitly define a Setting within a Scope, you use the SettingKey[T].in method. For example, name in Compile := "My CompileName" sets the name AttributeKey[String] in the Compile configuration Scope.
Available Settings
Here's a list of the over 220 Setting/Task/AttributeKeys (SBT SETTINGS), along with their descriptions, sbt command-line alias, and types. It comes directly from the Keys.scala SBT source file. I've sub-sectioned them by purpose, again, coming directly from the source file. Remember, this is just a list of the available settings. To define a full setting, you must give it a scope (project is the default in .sbt build definition files) and a value (like "MyProjectName") that matches the type of the available key.
This list is not intended to be read linearly. Use the following shortcut links to skip to a section when looking for a particular type of SBT setting, its type, and description. An alternative is to use the browser search to look for a particular setting name, type, and description. In the next article, I am going to talk about some of the default settings that come out of the box with SBT.
- Logging Settings
- Project Settings
- Command Settings
- Path Settings
- Source Path Settings
- Filter Settings
- Resource Path Settings
- Output Path Settings
- Generators Settings
- Compile and Doc Settings
- Package Settings
- Run Settings
- Test Settings
- Dependency Management Settings
- Special Settings
Format (key name, key type, sbt command-line key name, description)
- logLevel, SettingKey[Level.value], log-level, The amount of logging sent to the screen.
- persistLogLevel, SettingKey[Level.value], persist-log-level, The amount of logging sent to a file for persistence.
- traceLevel, SettingKey[Int], trace-level, The amount of stack-trace to be displayed.
- persistTraceLevel, SettingKey[Int], persist-trace-level, The amount of stack-trace to be persisted (to a file).
- showSuccess, SettingKey[Boolean], show-success, If true, displays a success message after running a command successfully.
- showTiming, SettingKey[Boolean], show-timing, If true, the command success message includes the completion time.
- timingFormat, SettingKey[java.text.DateFormat], timing-format, The format used for displaying the completion time.
- extraLoggers, SettingKey[PartialFunction[ScopedKey[_], Seq[AbstractLogger]]], extra-loggers, A function that provides additional loggers for a given setting.
- logManager, SettingKey[LogManager], log-manager, The log manager, which creates Loggers for different contexts (Configurations).
- logBuffered, SettingKey[Boolean], log-buffered, True if logging should be buffered until work completes.
- projectCommand, AttributeKey[Boolean], project-command, Marks Commands that were registered for the current Project.
- sessionSettings, AttributeKey[SessionSettings], session-settings, Tracks current build, project, and setting modifications.
- stateBuildStructure, AttributeKey[Load.BuildStructure], build-structure, Data structure containing all information about the build definition.
- buildStructure, TaskKey[Load.BuildStructure], build-structure, Provides access to the build structure, settings, and streams manager.
- loadedBuild, SettingKey[Load.LoadedBuild], loaded-build, Provides access to the loaded project structure. This is the information available before, settings are evaluated.
- buildDependencies, SettingKey[BuildDependencies], build-dependencies, Definitive source of inter-project dependencies for compilation and dependency management. This is populated by default by the dependencies declared on Project instances, but may be modified. The main restriction is that new builds may not be introduced.
- appConfiguration, SettingKey[xsbti.AppConfiguration], app-configuration, Provides access to the launched sbt configuration, including the ScalaProvider, Launcher, and GlobalLock.
- thisProject, SettingKey[ResolvedProject], this-project, Provides the current project for the referencing scope.
- thisProjectRef, SettingKey[ProjectRef], this-project-ref, Provides a fully-resolved reference to the current project for the referencing scope.
- configuration, SettingKey[Configuration], configuration, Provides the current configuration of the referencing scope.
- commands, SettingKey[Seq[Command]], commands, Defines commands to be registered when this project or build is the currently selected project or build.
- initialize, SettingKey[Unit], initialize, A convenience setting for performing side-effects during initialization.
- onLoad, SettingKey[PartialFunction[State, State]], on-load, Transformation to apply to the build state when the build is loaded.
- onUnload, SettingKey[PartialFunction[State, State]], on-unload, Transformation to apply to the build state when the build is unloaded.
- onLoadMessage, SettingKey[String], on-load-message, Message to display when the project is loaded.
- transformState, AttributeKey[PartialFunction[State, State]], transform-state, State transformation to apply after tasks run.
- onComplete, SettingKey[Function0[Unit]], on-complete, Hook to run when task-evaluation completes. The type of this setting is subject to change, pending the resolution of SI-2915.
Format (key name, key type, sbt command-line key name, description)
- globalLogging, AttributeKey[GlobalLogging], global-logging, Provides a global Logger, including command logging.
- historyPath, SettingKey[Option[File]], history, The location where the command line history is persisted.
- shellPrompt, SettingKey[PartialFunction[State, String]], shell-prompt, The function that constructs the command propmt form the current build state.
- analysis, AttributeKey[inc.Analysis], analysis, Analysis of compilation, including dependencies and generated outputs.
- watch, SettingKey[Watched], watch, Continuous execution configuration.
- pollInterval, SettingKey[Int], poll-interval, Interval between checks for modified sources by the continuous execution command.
- watchSources, TaksKey[Seq(File)], watch-sources, Defines the sources in this project for continuos execution to watch for changes.
- watchTransitiveSources, TaskKey[Seq[File]], watch-transitive-sources, Defines the sources in all projects for continuous execution to watch.
- watchingMessage, SettingKey[PartialFunction1[WatchState,String]], watching-message, The message to show when triggered execution waits for sources to change.
- triggeredMessage, SettingKey[PartialFunction[WatchState, String]], triggered-message, The message to show before triggered execution executes an action after sources change.
Format (key name, key type, sbt command-line key name, description)
- baseDirectory, SettingKey[File], base-directory, The base directory. Depending on the scope this is the base directory for the build, project, configuration, or task.
- globalBaseDirectory, AttributeKey[File], global-base-direcotry, The base directory for global sbt configuration and staging.
- target, SettingKey[File], target, Main directory for files generated by the build.
- crossTarget, SettingKey[File], cross-target, Main directory for files generated by the build that are cross-built.
Format (key name, key type, sbt command-line key name, description)
- sourceDirectory, SettingKey[File], source-directory, Default directory containing sources.
- sourceManaged, SettingKey[File], source-managed, Default directory for sources generated by the build.
- scalaSource, SettingKey[File], scala-source, Default Scala source directory.
- javaSource, SettingKey[File], java-source, Default Java source directory.
- sourceDirectories, SettingKey[Seq[File]], source-directories, List all source directories, both managed and unmanaged.
- unmanagedSourceDirectories, SettingKey[Seq[File]], unmanaged-source-directories, Unmanaged source directories, which contain manually created source files.
- unmanagedSources, TaskKey[Seq[File]], unmanaged-sources, Unmanaged sources, which are manually created.
- managedSourceDirectories, SettingKey[Seq[File]], managed-source-directories, Managed source directories, which contain sources generated by the build.
- mangedSources, TaskKey[Seq[File]], managed-sources, Sources generated by the build.
- managedSources, TaskKey[Seq[File], managed-sources, Sources generated by the build.
- sources, TaskKey[Seq[File]], sources, All sources, both managed and unmanaged.
- includeFilter, SettingKey[FileFIlter], include-filter, Filter for including sources and resources files from default directories.
- excludeFilter, SettingKey[FileFilter], exclude-filter, Filter for excluding sources and resources files from default directories.
- resourceDirectory, SettingKey[File], resource-directory, Default unmanaged resource directory, used for user-defined resources.
- resourceManaged, SettingKey[File], resource-managed, Default managed resource directory, used when generating resources.
- unmanagedResourceDirectories, SettingKey[Seq[File]], unmanaged-resource-directories, Unmanaged resource directories, containing resources manually created by the user.
- unmanagedResources, TaskKey[Seq[File]], unmanaged-resources, Unmanaged resources which are manually created.
- managedResourceDirectories, SettingKey[Seq[File]], managed-resource-directories, List of managed resource directories.
- managedResources, TaskKey[Seq[File]], managed-resources, Resources generated by the build.
- resourceDirectories, SettingKey[Seq[File]], resource-directories, List of all resource directories, both managed and unmanaged.
- resources, TaskKey[Seq[File]], resources, All resource files, both managed and unmanaged.
Format (key name, key type, sbt command-line key name, description)
- classDirectory, SettingKey[File], class-directory, Directory for compiled classes and copied resources.
- cacheDirectory, SettingKey[File], cache-directory, Directory used for caching task data.
- cleanFiles, SettingKey[Seq[File]], clean-files, The files to recursively delete during a clean.
- cleanKeepFiles, SettingKey[Seq[File]], clean-keep-files, Files to keep during a clean.
- crossPaths, SettingKey[Boolean], cross-paths, If true, enables, cross paths, which distinguish output directories for cross-building (cross-building means across scala versions)
- taskTempDirectory, SettingKey[File], task-temporary-directory, Directory used for temporary files for tasks that is deleted after each task execution.
- sourceGenerators, SettingKey[Seq[Task[Seq[File]]]], source-generators, List of tasks that generate sources.
- resourceGenerators, SettingKey[Seq[Task[Seq[File]]]], resource-generators, List of tasks that generate resources.
Format (key name, key type, sbt command-line key name, description)
- autoCompilerPlugins, SettingKey[Boolean], auto-compiler-plugins, If true, enables automatically generating -Xplugin arguments to the compiler based on the classpath for the configuration.
- maxErrors, SettingKey[Int], max-errors, The maximum number of errors, such as compile errors, to list.
- scalacOptions, TaskKey[Seq[String]], scalac-options, Options for the Scala compiler.
- javacOptions, TaskKey[Seq[String]], javac-options, Options for the Java compiler.
- compileOrder, SettingKey[CompileOrder.Value], compile-order, Configures the order in which Java and sources within a single compilation are compiled. Valid values are, JavaThenScala, ScalaThenJava, or Mixed.
- initialCOmmands, SettingKey[String], initialcommands, Initial commands to execute when starting up the Scala interpreter.
- cleanupCommands, SettingKey[String], cleanup-commands, Commands to execute before the Scala interpreter exits.
- compileInputs, TaskKey[Compiler.Inputs], compile-inputs, Collects all inputs needed for compilation.
- scalaHome, SettingKey[Option[File]], scala-home, If Some, defines the local Scala installation to use for compilation, running, and testing.
- scalaInstance, TaskKey[ScalaInstance], scala-instance, Defines the Scala instance to use for compilation, running, and testing.
- scalaVersion, SettingKey[String], scala-version, The version of Scala used for building.
- scalaBinaryVersion, SettingKey[String], scala-binary-version, The Scala version substring describing binary compatibility.
- crossScalaVersions, SettingKey[Seq[String]], cross-scala-versions, The versions of Scala used when cross-building
- classpathOptions, SettingKey[ClasspathOptions], classpath-options, Configures handling of Scala classpaths.
- definedSbtPlugins, TaskKey[Set[String]], defined-sbt-plugins, The set of names of Plugin implementations defined by this project.
- sbtPlugin, SettingKey[Boolean], sbt-plugin, If true, enables adding sbt as a dependency and auto-generation of the plugin descriptor file.
- clean, TaskKey[Unit], clean, Deletes files produced by the build, such as generated sources, compiled classes, and task caches.
- console, TaskKey[Unit], console, Starts the Scala interpreter with the project classes on the classpath.
- consoleQuick, TaskKey[Unit], console-quick, Starts the Scala interpreter with the project dependencies on the classpath.
- consoleProject, TaskKey[Unit], console-project, Starts the Scala interpreter with the sbt and the build definition on the classpath and useful imports.
- compile, TaskKey[Analysis], compile, Compiles sources.
- compilers, TaskKey[Compiler.Compilers], compilers, Defines the Scala and Java compilers to use for compilation.
- compileIncSetup, TaskKey[Compiler.IncSetup], inc-compile-setup, Configurations aspects of incremental compilation.
- definesClass, TaskKey[DefinesClass], defines-class, Internal use: provides a function that determines whether the provided file contains a given class.
- doc, TaskKey[File], doc, Generates API documentation.
- copyResources, TaskKey[Seq[(File, File)]], copy-resources, Copies resources to the output directory.
- aggregate, SettingKey[Aggregation], aggregate, Configures task aggregation.
Format (key name, key type, sbt command-line key name, description)
- packageBin, TaskKey[File], package-bin, Produces a main artifact, such as a binary jar.
- package, TaskKey[File], package, Produces the main artifact, such as a binary jar. This is typically an alias for the task that actually does the packaging.
- packageDoc, TaskKey[File], package-doc, Produces a documentation artifact, such as a jar containing API documentation.
- packageSrc, TaskKey[File], package-src, Produces a source artifact, such as a jar containing sources and resources.
- packageOptions, TaskKey[Seq[PackageOption]], package-options, Options for packaging.
- packageConfiguration, TaskKey[Package.Configuration], package-configuration, Collects all inputs needed for packaging.
- artifactPath, SettingKey[File], artifact-path, The location of a generated artifact.
- artifact, SettingKey[Artifact], artifact, Describes an artifact.
- artifactClassifier, SettingKey[Option[String]], artifact-classifier, Sets the classifier used by the default artifact definition.
- artifactName, SettingKey[PartialFunction1[Tuple3[String, ModuleID, Artifact], String], artifact-name, Function that produces the artifact name from its definition.
- mappings, TaskKey[Seq[Pair[File, String]]], mappings, Defines the mappings from a file to a path, used by packaging, for example.
- fileMappings, TaskKey[Seq[Pair[File, File]]], file-mappings, Defines the mappings from a file to a file, used for copying files, for example.
Format (key name, key type, sbt command-line key name, description)
- selectMainClass, TaskKey[Option[String]], select-main-class, Selects the main class to run.
- mainClass, TaskKey[Option[String]], main-class, Defines the main class for packaging or running.
- run, InputKey[Unit], run, Runs a main class, passing along arguments provieded on the command line.
- runMain, InputKey[Unit], run-main, Runs the main class selected by the first argument, passing the remaining arguments to the main method.
- discoveredMainClasses, TaskKey[Seq[String]], discovered-main-classes, Auto-detects main classes.
- runner, TaskKey[ScalaRun], runner, Implementation used to run a main class.
- trapExit, SettingKey[Boolean], trap-exit, If true, enables exit trapping and thread management for 'run'-like tasks. This is currently only suitable for serially-executed 'run'-like tasks.
- fork, SettingKey[Boolean], fork, If true, forks a new JVM when running. If false, runs in the same JVM as the build.
- outputStrategy, SettingKey[Option[sbt.OutputStrategy]], output-strategy, Selects how to log output when running a main class.
- connectInput, SettingKey[Boolean], connect-input, If true, connectsstandard input when running a main class forked.
- javaHome, SettingKey[Option[File]], java-home, Selects the Java installation used for compiling and forking. If None, uses the java installation running the build.
- javaOptions, TaskKey[Seq[String]], java-options, Options passed to a new JVM when forking.
Format (key name, key type, sbt command-line key name, description)
- testLoader, TaskKey[ClassLoader], test-loader, Provides the class loader used for testing.
- loadedTestFrameworks, TaskKey[Map[TestFramework, Framework]], loaded-test-frameworks, Loads Framework definitions from the test loader.
- definedTests, TaskKey[Seq[TestDefinition]], defined-tests, Provides the list of defined tests.
- definedTestNames, TaskKey[Seq[String]], defined-test-names, Provides the set of defined test names.
- executeTests, taskKey[Tests.Output], execute-tests, Provies the list of defined tests.
- test, TaskKey[Unit], test, Executes all tests.
- testOnly, InputKey[Unit], test-only, Executes teh tests provided as arguments or all tests if no arguments are provided.
- testOptions, TaskKey[Seq[TestOption]], Options for running tests.
- testFrameworks, SettingKey[Seq[TestFramework]], test-frameworks, Registered, although not necessarily present, test frameworks.
- testListeners, TaskKey[Seq[TestReportListener]], test-listeners, Defines test listeners.
- testExecution, TaskKey[Tests.Execution], test-execution, Settings controlling test execution.
- isModule, AttributeKey[Boolean], is-module, True if the target is a module.
Format (key name, key type, sbt command-line key name, description)
- name, SettingKey[String], name, Project name.
- normalizedName, SettingKey[String], normalized-name, Project name transformed from mixed case and spaces to lowercase and dash-separated.
- description, SettingKey[String], description, Project description.
- homepage, SettingKey[Option[URL]], homepage, Project homepage.
- startYear, SettingKey[Option[Int]], start-year, Year in which the project started.
- licenses, SettingKey[Seq[Pair[String,URL]]], licenses, Project licenses as (name, url) pairs.
- organization, SettingKey[String], organization, Organization/group ID.
- organizationName, SettingKey[String], organization-name, Organization full/formal name.
- organizationHomepage, SettingKey[Option[URL]], organization-homepage, Organization homepage.
- projectInfo, SettingKey[ModuleInfo], project-info, Addition project information like formal name, homepage, licenses, etc.
- defaultConfiguration, SettingKey[Option[Configuration]], default-configuration, Defines the configuration used when none is specified for a dependency.
- defaultConfigurationMapping, SettingKey[String], default-configuration-mapping, Defines the mapping used for a simple, unmapped configuration definition.
- products, TaskKey[Seq[File]], products, Build products that get packaged.
- productDirectories, TaskKey[Seq[File]], product-directories, Base directories of build products.
- exportJars, SettingKey[Boolean], export-jars, Determines whether the exported classpath for this project contains classes (false) or a packaged jar (true).
- exportedProducts, TaskKey[Classpath], exported-products, Build products that go on the exported classpath.
- unmanagedClasspath, TaskKey[Classpath], unmanaged-classpath, Classpath entries (deep) that are manually managed.
- unmanagedJars, TaskKey[Classpath], unmanaged-jars, Classpath entries for the current project (shallow) that are manually managed.
- managedClasspath, TaskKey[Classpath], managed-classpath, The classpath consisting of external, managed library dependencies.
- internalDependencyClasspath, TaskKey[Classpath], internal-dependency-classpath, The internal (inter-project) classpath.
- externalDependencyClasspath, TaskKey[Classpath], external-dependency-classpath, The classpath consisting of library dependencies, both managed and unmanaged.
- dependencyClasspath, TaskKey[Classpath], dependency-classpath, The classpath consisting of internal and external, managed, and unmanaged dependencies.
- fullClasspath, TaskKey[Classpath], full-classpath, The exported classpath, consisting of build products and unmanaged and managed, internal and external dependencies.
- internalConfigurationMap, SettingKey[PartialFunction1[Configuration, Configuration]], internal-configuration-map, Maps configurations to the actual configuration used to define the classpath.
- classpathConfiguration, TaskKey[Configuration], classpath-configuration, The configuration used to define the classpath.
- ivyConfiguration, TaskKey[IvyConfiguration], ivy-configuration, General dependency management (Ivy) settings, such as the resolvers and paths to use.
- ivyConfigurations, SettingKey[Seq[Configuration]], ivy-configurations, The defined configurations for dependency management. This may be different from the configurations for Project settings.
- moduleSettings, TaskKey[ModuleSettings], module-settings, Module settings, which configure a specific module, such as a project.
- unmanagedBase, SettingKey[File], unmanaged-base, The default directory for manually managed libraries.
- updateConfiguration, SettingKey[UpdateConfiguration], Configuration for resolving and retrieving managed dependencies.
- ivySbt, TaskKey[IvySbt], ivy-sbt, Provides the sbt interface to Ivy.
- ivyMOdule, TaskKey[IvySbt#Module], ivy-module, Provides the sbt interface to a configured Ivy module.
- update, TaskKey[UpdateReport], update, Resolves and optionally retrieves dependencies, producing a report.
- transitiveUpdate, TaskKey[Seq[UpdateReport]], transitive-update, UpdateReports for the internal dependencies of this project.
- updateClassifiers, TaskKey[UpdateReport], Resoves and optionally retrieves classified artifacts, such as javadocs and sources, for dependency definitions, transitively.
- transitiveClassifiers, SettingKey[Seq[String]], transitive-classifiers, List of classifiers used for transitively obtaining extra artifacts for sbt or declared dependencies.
- updateSbtClassifiers, TaskKey[UpdateReport], update-sbt-classifiers, Resolves and optionally retrieves classifiers, such as javadocs and sources, for sbt, transitively.
- publishConfiguration, TaskKey[PublishConfiguration], publish-configuration, Configuration for publishing to a repository.
- publishLocalConfiguration, TaskKey[PublishConfiguration], publish-local-configuration, Configuration for publishing to the local repository.
- deliverConfiguration, TaskKey[DeliverConfiguration], deliver-configuration, Configuration for generating the finished Ivy file for publishing.
- deliverLocalConfiguration, TaskKey[DeliverConfiguration], deliver-local-configuration, Configuration for generating teh finished Ivy file for local publishing.
- makePomConfigurations, SettingKey[MakePomConfiguration], make-pom-configuration, Configuration for generating pom.
- packagedArtifacts, TaskKey[Map[Artifact, File]], packaged-artifacts, Packages all artifacts for publishing and maps the Artifact definition to the generated file.
- publishMavenStyle, SettingKey[Boolean], publish-maven-stye, Configures whether to generate and publish a pom (true), or Ivy file(false).
- credentials, TaskKey[Seq[Credentials]], credentials, The credentials to use for updating and publishing.
- makePom, TaskKey[File], make-pom, Generates a pom for publishing when publishing Maven-style.
- deliver, TaskKey[File], deliver, Generates teh Ivy file for publishing to a repository.
- deliverLocal, TaskKey[File], deliver-local, Generates the Ivy file for publishing to the local repository.
- publish, TaskKey[Unit], publish, Publishes artifacts to a repository.
- publishLocal, TaskKey[Unit], publish-local, Publishes artifacts to the local repository.
- pomExtra, SettingKey[NodeSeq], pom-extra, Extra XML to insert into the generated POM.
- pomPostProcess, SettingKey[PartialFunction1[XNode, XNode]], pom-post-process, Transforms the generated POM.
- pomIncludeRepository, SettingKey[PartialFunction1[MavenRepository, Boolean]], pom--include-repository, Selects repositories to include in the generated POM.
- pomAllRepositories, SettingKey[Boolean], pom-all-repositories, If true, includes repositories used in module configurations in the pom repositories section. If false, only the common repositories are included.
- moduleName, SettingKey[String], module-name, The name of the current module, used for dependency management.
- version, SettingKey[String], version, The version/revision of the current module.
- isSnapshot, SettingKey[Boolean], is-snapshot, True if the version of the project is a snapshot version.
- moduleID, SettingKey[ModuleID], module-id, A dependency management descriptor. This is currently used for associating a ModuleID with a classpath entry.
- projectID, SettingKey[ModuleID], project-id, The dependency management descriptor fo rthe current module.
- externalResolvers, TaskKey[Seq[Resolver]], external-resolvers, The external resolvers for automatically managed dependencies.
- projectResolver, TaskKey[Resolver], project-resolver, Resolver that handles inter-project dependencies.
- fullResolvers, TaskKey[Seq[Resolver]], full-resolvers, Combines the project resolver, default resolvers, and user-defined resolvers.
- otherResovers, SettingKey[Seq[Resolver]], other-resolvers, Resolvers not included in the main resolver chain, such as those in module configurations.
- moduleConfigurations, SettingKey[Seq[ModuleConfiguration]], module-configurations, Defines module configurations, which override resolvers on a per-module basis.
- retrievePattern, SettingKey[String], retrieve-pattern, Pattern used to retrieve managed dependencies to the current build.
- retrieveConfiguration, SettingKey[Option[RetrieveConfiguration]], retirieve-configuration, Configures retrieving dependencies to the current build.
- ivyPaths, SettingKey[IvyPaths], ivy-paths, Configures paths used by Ivy for dependency management.
- libraryDependencies, SettingKey[Seq[ModuleID]], library dependencies, Declares managed dependencies.
- projectDependencies, TaskKey[Seq[ModuleID]], project-dependencies, Inter0project dependencies.
- ivyXML, SettingKey[NodeSeq], ivy-xml, Defines inline Ivy XML, for configuring dependency management.
- ivyScala, SettingKey[Option[IvyScala]], ivy-scala, Configures how Scala dependencies are checked, filtered, and injected.
- ivyValidate, SettingKey[Boolean], ivy-validate, Enables/disables Ivy validation of module metadata.
- ivyLoggingLevel, SettingKey[UpdateLogging.Value], ivy-logging-level, The logging level for updating.
- publishTo, SettingKey[Option[Resolver]], publish-to, The resolver to publish to.
- artifacts, SettingKey[Seq[Artifact]], artifacts, The artifact definitions for the current module.
- projectDescriptors, TaskKey[Map[ModuleRevisionId, ModuleDescriptor]], project-descriptors, Project dependency map for the inter-project resolver.
- retrieveManaged, SettingKey[Boolean], retrieve-managed, If true, enables retrieving dependencies to the current build. Otherwise, dependencies are used directly from the cache.
- managedDirectory, SettingKey[File], managed-directory, Directory to which managed dependencies are retrieved.
- classpathTypes, SettingKey[Set[String]], classpath-types, Artifact types that are included on the classpath.
- publishArtifact, SettingKey[Boolean], publish-artifact, Enables (true) or disables (false) publishing an artifact.
- packagedArtifact, TaskKey[Pair[Artifact, File]], packaged-artifact, Generates a packaged artifact, returning the Artifact and the produced File.
- checksums, SettingKey[Seq[String]], checksums, The list of checksums to generate and to verify for dependencies.
- classifiersModule, TaksKey[GetClassifiersModules], classifiersModule, NA
- conflictWarning, SettingKey[ConflictWarning], conflict-warning, Configures warnings for conflicts in dependency management.
- autoScalaLibrary, SettingKey[Boolean], auto-scala-library, Adds a dependency on scala-library if true.
- sbtResolver, SettingKey[Resolver], sbt-resolver, Provides a resolver for obtaining sbt as a dependency.
- sbtDependency, SettingKey[ModuleID], sbt-dependency, Provides a definition for declaring the current version of sbt.
- sbtVersion, SettingKey[String], sbt-version, Provides the version of sbt. This setting should not be modified.
- sbtBinaryVersion, SettingKey[String], sbt-binary-version, Defines teh binary compatibility version substring.
- skip, TaskKey[Boolean], skip, For tasks that support it (currently only 'compile'), setting skip to true will force the task to not do its work. This exact semantics may vary by task.
Format (key name, key type, sbt command-line key name, description)
- sessionVars, AttributeKey[SessionVar.Map], session-vars, Bindings that exist for the duration of the session.
- parallelExecution, SettingKey[Boolean], parallel-execution, Enables (true) or disables (false) parallel execution of tasks.
- tags, SettingKey[Seq[Pair[Tags.Tag, Int]]], tags, ConcurrentRestrictions.tagsKey.label
- concurrentRestrictions, SettingKey[Seq[Tags.Rule]], concurrent-restrictions, Rules describing restrictions on concurrent task execution.
- cancelable, SettingKey[Boolean], cancelable, Enables (true) or disables (flase) the ability to interrupt task execution with CTRL+C.
- settings, TaskKey[Settings[Scope]], settings, Provides access to the project data for the build.
- streams, TaskKey[TaskStreams], streams rovides streams for logging and persisting data.
- isDummyTask, AttributeKey[Boolean], is-dummy-task, Internal: used to identify dummy tasks. sbt injects values for these tasks at the start fo task execution.
- taskDefinitionKey, AttributeKey[ScopedKey[_]], task-definition-key, Internal: used to map a task back to its ScopedKey.
- resolvedScoped, SettingKey[ScopedKey[_]], resolved-scoped, The ScopedKey for the referencing setting or task.
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